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Mens Signet Rings, How To Choose A Ring, Mens Ring Size Chart, Mens Ring Sizing Chart, Mens Ring Size Chart

Mens ring sizing charts are used by jewelers to determine which size ring will fit a man's finger best. The chart shows how many millimeters wide each ring should be in order for it to fit properly.

Although our store is based in Australia we tend to use UK sizing when discussing signet ring sizes although with our ring-size chart we can convert any of the other sizing standards whether its mm, US/Canada, Euro, Japanese or Swiss equivalents.

The ring sizing chart we use can be found at here 

Mens signet rings - how to choose a ring, mens ring size chart, mens ring sizing chart, mens ring size charts.

Men's signet rings are often worn as a symbol of status and wealth. They were originally made out of gold, silver, or platinum, but now they're also made out of other materials such as titanium, stainless steel, and even wood.
We have a pretty extensive range but don't forget they're not just for your pinky finger and can be worn any any finger (except the thumb as that looks a bit naff).