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Gay Wedding Rings, How To Find The Perfect Ring For Your Partner, What Is A Wedding Ring And More!

What Kind Of Ring Should I Buy My Partner?

There are so many different kinds of rings out there, and each one has its own purpose. If you're planning on getting married soon, then you should probably start thinking about what kind of ring you'd like to buy for your partner.

But before you buy a ring there are a couple of things you need to consider but the most important is:
Will you be exchanging engagement rings first?

If yes that will limit your options as men's wedding rings are usually quite wide (compared to women's) which makes if difficult to stack enagegment and wedding rings together.

Your first is just buy an egagement ring and re-use that ring as a wedding ring. No need for stacking etc.

The second is buy a cheaper enagement ring (often in gold) knowing that it will be replaced with a more expensive wedding ring.

The third is to make sure the engagement ring can be moved to another finger so that the wedding ring can be placed on the traditional ring finger.

The final choice is up to you but you should work out what to do before you start spending money.

Ali Alexander mens wedding ringsDavid Parker wedding ringsGavin Macsporran wedding rings

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